Workout: Isto agora ficou sério

A partir do momento em que te comprometes...

I, Joana, commit to doing this 30-day challenge, starting on January 23, 2017. My goal is to loose weight and I will get there because I'm a ROCKSTAR!

E recebo este email:

Be Consistent
Your goal each day is to do your 15 minute workout.
I'll be there every morning with an email and a link - all you have to do is follow the link, and click "play" on your video.
If you've struggled in the past with motivation, or you just weren't seeing the results of the effort you were putting in, this challenge will change the game for you and YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!You'll keep your body guessing with the workouts each day, with a variety of fun moves that will challenge you in different way - plus take your active recovery days and time off too!

Agora é esperar  o email com os exercícios diários.
I'm waiting


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